How to deliver a delightful Customer Experience in D2C with Low-Code

One thing almost every D2C leader agrees on is that word-of-mouth is the best advertising there is. In the crowded D2C space, finding new customers is hard. Even retaining customers is hard. So, when your customers do your marketing for you, nothing can be better. But how do you make them that happy?

The answer lies in creating exceptional customer experiences (CX). Right from the time a customer finds out about your brand, to the time when they’ve been using your products and services for 3-6 months, you need to show up every day looking your best. That’s when you can pat yourself on the back for delivering a great customer experience. Unfortunately, only a few D2C brands are able to realize this aspiration. For most others, what they deliver is what the customers exact as a bare minimum.

Why Do Most D2C Brands Struggle to Deliver Great CX?

When growth is hard to come by and cash burn is not an option, you know how important it is to keep your existing customers and to have their positive word-of-mouth bring in more customers. For that, you need to deliver a brilliant customer experience (CX). While every founder understands this, only 2% manage to deliver it effectively.

For the rest, their efforts often fall short, and there are several reasons why:

  • The team is not doing the right work.
  • The team is not doing the work correctly.
  • The team has hit the ceiling in terms of efficiency.
  • The team has become disconnected from the vision of the brand.
  • The team can’t follow quality protocols because they have too much to do and too little time.

If this sounds familiar, your technology might be the culprit. Most D2C brands do one of two things when they begin:

  1. They cobble together free or inexpensive tools.
  2. They aspire to build their tech from scratch.

Both approaches are widely different, but both are problematic. Here’s why:

  1. Patchwork tech can’t handle the growing complexity of your operations. To an extent you can paper the gaps, but when the traffic increases, the cracks are visible, and they widen every day.
  2. Building your tech distracts you from your core business. It’s one thing to be great at customer service, but another to build a great customer service CRM.

So, in both cases, a gap emerges between what the tech should do and what it does. To bridge this gap, teams create workarounds, cut corners, and use unauthorized tools. This ultimately erodes the quality of your products, services, and the CX you’re striving for. This is why old-school, right, monolithic tech is to blame for most D2C brands’ inability to delight customers. Thankfully, Low-Code technology can change all of that.

But what exactly is Low-Code, and how does it empower D2C brands to deliver top-notch CX?

How Can Low-Code Technology Transform Your CX? 

Low-Code is a development approach that allows you to create software applications with minimal hand-coding. It uses visual interfaces and pre-built modules and makes it easier and faster to build solutions. This approach removes the rigidity and limitations of traditional coding. More than that, it allows you to shape your tech in a way that faithfully reflects the complexity of the work that your team does.

Soon, you will find that Low-Code tools empower your team to work in a way that naturally leads to better customer experiences. How?

  1. Everyone in your team can start thinking about what they need from their tech. This is in stark contrast to the old habit of adapting to what the tool offers. So, with Low-Code, everyone becomes a citizen developer. They can easily add features to the existing tools they use. They can make their work faster, more accurate, and more enjoyable. They can quickly respond to customer needs. They can innovate without waiting for lengthy development cycles. This leads to a better customer experience.
  2. For the IT team, Low-Code means they can finally focus on big, game-changing projects that can accelerate the growth of your D2C brand. They no longer need to spend time fixing bugs in the code. Instead, they can build aspirational tech features and tools that make work easy and fast for everyone. This enhances customer experience as IT can implement innovative solutions that improve how customers interact with your brand, making their journey seamless and satisfying.
  3. Supervisors and managers can move away from micromanaging. They can trust that the team is focusing on the right things, their work is being tracked, and the right information is reaching the right people at the right time. This means decisions are more likely to be the right ones. This results in a better customer experience because it reduces errors and ensures that customer interactions are smooth and efficient.

In this way, Low-Code technology frees up time, energy, money, and mental space, all of which are vital ingredients of the recipe for delivering exceptional CX. However, to truly reap these benefits, your Low-Code applications must be genuinely Low-Code, not just highly customizable versions of old-school software. Otherwise, the core issue remains: your business evolves rapidly, but your tech struggles to keep up, forcing everyone to work within outdated assumptions. That’s why we built Amoga as a true Low-Code platform.

Why is Amoga the Right Low-Code Solution for Your CX Goals?

The core philosophy behind Amoga is simple. We believe that a company’s success or failure depends on how they work, what they focus on, how they define good performance, how well they measure it, how easily they share knowledge, and how quickly they act on data. Every organization needs a work OS, similar to a computer’s OS, which serves as the backdrop for all operations. With Amoga, we built a Low-Code version of this work OS for organizations.

If you’re a D2C brand that understands the power of exceptional CX, we’re here for you. We want to hear about the challenges you face in creating the customer experiences you envision. We’ve helped other D2C brands overcome similar hurdles, and we’d love to share those stories with you. This conversation could be the turning point you’ve been waiting for – the moment your D2C brand becomes known for making customers so happy they can’t help but spread the word. Book a no-obligation meeting.



How does a Low-Code CRM turn your service centre into a revenue centre?

Revenue is the lifeblood of your business. Revenue is the north star that guides (or should guide) every department, not just the sales team. You might think that while sales drive income, customer service only deals with complaints. If this is the case, your service centre is a cost centre, which isn’t ideal. Instead, consider customer service as a potential revenue centre.

Think about this: your repeat revenue comes from satisfied customers. Who better to understand and cater to their needs than your service team? Far from just resolving issues, these teams are perfectly positioned to drive sales by introducing products and services that address the real needs of your customers. So why aren’t more businesses embracing this? Some fear that pushing for additional sales will annoy customers and lower satisfaction. It’s true that without the right information at the right time, this approach can backfire. But that doesn’t mean you should give up on the idea altogether; does it?

The entire service CRM market is built on the promise that technology can turn your customer service into a revenue-generating machine. If your CRM isn’t doing that, it’s simply not working. And unfortunately, that’s the reality for many businesses.

How do traditional CRMs limit customer service as a revenue source?

Traditional service CRMs turn your customer service into a cost centre and never let it grow into a revenue generator. Here is how most service CRM implementations go:

  • Your vendor wants you to precisely define how you want workflows set up, what data to capture, and how to design reports.
  • They can implement exactly what you specify.

Sounds all right, but It isn’t!

The problem is, at that point, it’s just theory. You’ll only discover if your setup is right or wrong when your service teams start interacting with customers. Every day, they uncover new insights: how customers think, how they make decisions, how they actually use your product, what complaints they voice, and even the silent grievances that lead to churn.

However, if your CRM system is rigid—encased in glass, so to speak—it becomes challenging to adapt and evolve based on these daily insights. That’s the least your service team could have expected from their service CRM. When they don’t get it, they can’t offer the right products and services at the right time to the right customers. Even if they try, it will be a random effort and is likely to put off customers rather than get them to try more products. That’s why the traditional approach is flawed. It assumes you know everything from the start, but real insights come from daily customer interactions. But this doesn’t have to be the case. With a Low-Code service CRM, you can adapt and evolve alongside your customers.

What is Low-Code CRM and why is it transformative?

Low-Code service CRMs are a game-changer. They shift the focus from “code everything” to “design everything”.

Just as business processes aren’t fossils frozen in time, your technology shouldn’t behave like one either. Low-Code platforms are built on the core belief that technology should be easy to use and ready to evolve along with your business.

The five core components of a Low-Code service CRM are:

  1. Drag-and-Drop Interface
  2. Pre-Built Templates
  3. Graphical Workflow Design
  4. Built-In Connectors
  5. Reusable Components

But what does this really mean for your business?

How can Low-Code service CRM elevate your customer service into a revenue centre?

Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Your service agents will start thinking, “How can I use this CRM to automate my repetitive tasks, so I can focus on building real relationships with customers?”
  2. Your IT team will love not having to constantly fix urgent issues. Instead, they’ll have the time and space to focus on big-picture projects that truly move your business forward. Plus, they can do it all faster and cheaper than before.
  3. Your managers can create workflows and reports that make outstanding customer service the standard, not a lucky coincidence. This gives your service team the tools they need to offer the right products and services to the right customers at the right time.

With a Low-Code service CRM, your service team becomes more than just a problem-solving unit. They become a revenue-generating force that drives customer satisfaction and business growth. Of course, the pre-requisite is to use a true Low-Code service CRM.

Why is Amoga’s Low-Code service CRM the right solution for your business?

At Amoga, we believe that simplicity drives usage. A service CRM with countless features might seem appealing, but it often goes unused. Instead, our Low-Code service CRM is designed like clay—you can mould it to fit your needs. It’s built for today’s business, designed to serve today’s customers, across all channels that are relevant today. It brings calm to chaos. Anyone familiar with visual editors like Microsoft Word or PowerPoint can use this CRM with ease.

We’d love to show you how we’ve helped companies transform their customer service from a cost centre into a revenue generator. Let’s have a conversation and explore how we can do the same for you.



How Low-Code Helps D2C Brands Do More with Less

The world of direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands isn’t the same as the world of traditional businesses. Doing more with less is the name of the game. To build a D2C brand that will still be growing five years from now, you need to do more and do it for less.

  • You need to deliver better customer experiences without increasing costs.
  • You must scale operations while maintaining quality.
  • You have to innovate products faster without expanding your team.

This isn’t groundbreaking insight by any means. Every D2C founder knows this challenge intimately. Savvy founders also understand that they need to maximize efficiency instead of burning. Yet many struggle to do so. Why? The culprit is often “clutter.”

This clutter starts with technology. Many bootstrapped startups cobble together free or cheap tools and then patch the gaps with elaborate SOPs and playbooks. While this approach works initially, those small cracks can widen into major pitfalls over time. As a result, work processes become cluttered and inefficient. Your team starts losing valuable mental energy in dealing with workarounds and manual tasks. Customer experience plateaus because you’re too bogged down in day-to-day operations to innovate. Ultimately, you can’t move as quickly as the market. This is why 9 out of 10 D2C startups fizzle out.

How Does Rigid Tech Make D2C Companies Lethargic?

As a D2C brand, you know one thing for certain: you are creating something that didn’t exist before. Whether it’s your product, how you deliver it, the price at which you sell it profitably, or the service after the sale, you are breaking new ground. To support a company doing what hasn’t been done before, you need tech that evolves with you.

Rigid tech, however, is the opposite; everything is hard-coded. Even if it’s not hard-coded, customization is expensive (and you can’t expect it to be done repeatedly). Contrast it to the design of D2C company’s operational model. A D2C business has to quickly respond to customer needs, which are never static. So, how can the right technology be the right choice for any D2C company? The common approaches chosen by founders and CTOs in D2C startups fall short.

  • Some founders try to build their own tech. However, it’s one thing to be great at sales and another to build a sales CRM. Invariably, founders realize that building in-house tech is more complex than anticipated.
  • Others convince themselves that ordinary tech is sufficient. They feel the product and marketing are the superstars of the company, and tech does not have a big role to play. However, they soon find that rigid and patchwork tech becomes a chain around their agile business. It slows everything down, it stifles work, and it binds the company in red tape.

Instead, as a D2C leader, you should trust the same first principle thinking that motivated you to start your company.

  • What are you truly in the market for?
  • What is the most meaningful work?
  • Which KPIs accurately measure that work?
  • What processes should exist for optimal work?
  • How do you streamline these processes?
  • How do you keep your team motivated?
  • How do you identify top performers and value leaks?
  • How do you address these leaks?

Of course, you won’t know the answers. You’ll discover them along the way. That is exactly why you can’t start with complex technology that dictates how everyone works. Instead, you need adaptable tech that moulds to your business. That’s where Low-Code comes in. Whether it’s an overall ERP system or a purpose-specific solution like a service CRM, Low-Code is the right choice for D2C brands.

How Does Low-Code Let You Do More with Less?

 D2C challenges the settled norms of business. It rejects outdated rules and “best practices” in favour of responding to real-world forces. The same philosophy applies to Low-Code tech. This is not about coding apps line by line. It’s not even about building customizable tech for specific processes (because in D2C, today’s processes evolve every week, so a one-time customization will soon become outdated).

Instead, Low-Code tech makes technology usable for anyone with basic computer knowledge. All they need to do is think in terms of their work, not programming. This approach turns everyone into a developer, and they don’t need to know how to code. This democratization of tech is the true strength of Low-Code platforms. It means everyone can shape the tech they use in a way that makes sense for their work. This is possible through components like workflow builders, WYSIWYG application builders, easy integration setups, and ready-made templates that can be easily tweaked.

The immediate effect is significant:

  • What used to take ten weeks now takes one week.
  • What required budgets that finance would never approve now cost a quarter of that.
  • IT departments, previously groaning under the pressure of high-priority issues, now have time to solve critical IT problems that can be game-changers.

In this way, everyone in the company starts thinking about how to make their work easier and faster. Instead of ticking process checklist boxes, they can think about how to make errors impossible, what information they need to make accurate decisions, and how to free up brainpower for big-picture thinking.

They ask questions like:

  • Why am I doing what I am doing?
  • What’s a better way to achieve the same outcome?
  • How do I make the customer feel special without doing anything extraordinary?

Low-Code empowers everyone to answer these questions by shaping tech to fit their needs. It lets you do more with less in the truest sense of the phrase.

Why Is Amoga’s Low-Code Platform Right for You?

These are the kinds of questions that excited us when we set out to build Amoga. Today, it is a platform that D2C companies love. Finally, there is a tech stack that speaks the language of the real world. Our tech adapts to the shape of your business, not the other way around.

Amoga’s Low-Code platform allows you to do more with less. It empowers you to create and adapt solutions quickly, without needing extensive coding knowledge. This means you can respond to market changes swiftly.

If you want to know more about how we have helped D2C companies achieve this, book a no-obligation conversation with us. Discover how Amoga can help you streamline your processes, reduce costs, and stay ahead in the fast-paced D2C market.




How can Low-Code service CRM boost your CSAT scores?

If your organization measures CSAT, you’re likely familiar with this puzzling situation. Your team works hard and goes the extra mile, and your regular customer interactions seem fine. There might even be a few positive comments here and there. Six months down the line, when the CSAT scores are out, the report card is far from flattering. It’s like a splash of cold water in the face.

You’re left wondering:

  • Are we doing something wrong?
  • What exactly are we doing wrong?
  • Where should we even start to fix this?

Why does this happen? It all boils down to a mismatch between your initial assumptions and the realities of your customer service operations.

How a traditional service CRM pulls CSAT scores down

Most companies start with reasonable assumptions when they encode the CSAT-capture process in their service CRM. Chances are you did the same. You might have started with a hazy idea of:

  • What to measure
  • How to measure it
  • What questions to ask the customer
  • Whom to ask
  • How often to ask

These assumptions guided the design of your service CRM’s CSAT tracking and reporting. However, the day-to-day reality of customer service work challenges those initial assumptions. For example:

  1. Are you equating service-level agreement (SLA) performance with customer satisfaction? SLA performance can be a proxy for transactional customer satisfaction, but nothing more. CSAT is a more overarching number that captures what the customer thinks about your service on the whole.
  2. If you’re using a voice-of-customer (VOC) approach to CSAT, are you relying on a single questionnaire sent months after service interactions? Customers will forget the specifics of their experience and base their responses on recent interactions. To truly capture the voice of your customers, did you send them weekly reports that clearly told them that you were in control of quality most of the time? Had you done it, the CSAT scores would have been based on reality, not feelings.
  3. Did you capture the right data? Consider a D2C eCommerce business where customers purchase several items in one order. Deliveries happen in multiple lots — say three on average. The CSAT measure is about ‘how easy the e-store ordering system’ is. But customers receive three CSAT prompts, one after each delivery. Due to these repetitive requests, customers get used to ignoring these prompts. The response rate drops to 5%. Service teams can recognize this flaw quickly, but IT says fixing it will take three weeks and a significant budget, which isn’t approved. What happens next? Trust in the CSAT system erodes; everyone feels it’s a losing battle.

Can the COO even blame the service leaders for letting their teams lose motivation when their CRM refuses to budge to their needs? A rigid CRM does even more damage. It forces your service team to fight an uphill battle where scores are unfairly negative due to the way data is collected, not the quality of service. And that’s where service teams give up.

Thankfully, there is a solution that attacks the core of the problem, and does that beautifully. It’s a Low-Code service CRM. Let’s see how a Low-Code service CRM gets your service teams the flexibility and adaptability they need to make great CSAT a certainty, not a surprise.

How Can a Low-Code Service CRM Solve This Problem?

Imagine a platform where you can easily build and customize your CRM without needing to be a coding expert. This is the power of Low-Code. A Low-Code platform offers key components that set it apart from traditional CRM tools.

  • A drag-and-drop interface allows users to build and customize applications visually without being coding experts.
  • Pre-built templates serve as starting points for new projects.
  • Graphical workflow builders that enable users to design and automate business processes.
  • Built-in connectors that integrate external systems and applications.
  • Components and modules created in one project can be reused across multiple applications.

But how does a Low-Code CRM tackle the issues we discussed earlier?

  1. Your team can build what they need when they need it. No more waiting on IT for every little change. They can easily adjust workflows, data capture, and reports to match the realities of their work.
  2. The IT team is freed up to focus on significant developments, which they can now do in 1/10th the time and at 1/4th the cost. With the ability to build sophisticated apps quickly and easily, leaders are more likely to approve ambitious CRM enhancements.
  3. Low-Code CRMs are designed for flexibility. You can capture any data you need, from any source, and create automated reports that deliver the right information to the right people. This ensures that everyone is focused on the metrics that truly matter for customer satisfaction.

In essence, with a Low-Code CRM, your service team can:

  • Focus on what truly drives customer satisfaction, not just arbitrary KPIs.
  • Spend more time on activities that improve the customer experience, not on wrestling with a rigid CRM.
  • Gather the insights they need to understand your customers and their needs.
  • Capture critical data points that influence CSAT and manage the expectations and opinions of those who will respond to CSAT questionnaires.

This is how a Low-Code CRM helps you create a customer-centric culture that naturally leads to higher CSAT scores. But not all Low-Code CRMs are the same.

How does Amoga’s Low-Code service CRM help?

At Amoga, we believe that customer service shouldn’t be confined to a single department; it should be the heart of your entire company. As a tech company, we live and breathe this philosophy. And we’re convinced that it holds true for any business. That’s why we built a service CRM that empowers everyone in your organization to get the technology they need to do their work better and faster.

For us, Low-Code doesn’t just mean “highly customizable.” It means democratizing the development of features and enhancements; it means putting the power in the hands of the people closest to the work.

We really believe our solution can transform your customer service and improve your CSAT scores. But claims aside, we understand that you need to see exactly how we will solve this problem for you. So, book a conversation with us. Share your experiences with CSAT measurement, your challenges, and your aspirations. We’ll show you how Amoga’s Low-Code service CRM has solved similar problems for other clients, and how it can transform your approach to customer service.




The Critical Role of SLAs in Customer Service and How Service CRM Helps

No two businesses are alike. However, every company knows one truth: finding new customers is hard work. That’s why keeping your existing customers happy is so crucial. Naturally, if you are a service manager, you have to think: what makes customers stick around? The answer is ‘satisfaction’, of course. It’s no surprise that CSAT scores are a hot topic in every customer service department.

Now, while high CSAT scores are important, the way many companies approach it is, at best, highly flawed. You can’t expect customers to be happy if your customer service team is working in the dark. Unfortunate as it is, most customer service teams work in the dark. They react to problems and never understand why they happen, why they matter to the customers, what counts as satisfactory resolution, and so on. This is a massive gap, and that is why SLAs exist – to plug this gap and to marry ‘what service professionals do’ with ‘what customers want them to do’. 

How can SLAs align customer service teams with customer expectations?

SLAs are the daily micro-targets that guide your team toward meaningful work. They’re the backbone of a scientific management style. They make success a part of the design, not a matter of chanceBut surprisingly, SLAs are rarely used in B2C settings and are often used carelessly in B2B.

Over time, SLAs can lose their effectiveness and become something to be ‘managed’, often with recourse to questionable workarounds and prevarication tactics. This happens because SLAs often feel like a burden, not a reflection of the team’s work. But what if they could be the secret sauce to customer service greatness?

How to make SLAs the secret sauce of greatness in your customer service?

Here’s the thing: SLAs shouldn’t be based on industry standards. Instead, they should be tailored to your specific business – what you sell, how you sell it, and whom you sell it to. SLAs are essentially an unambiguous indicator of daily performance and progress. But the key to making SLSs help service professionals do the right work, and do it the right way, is to design them the right way. 

Start by creating granular SLAs based on what you think your customers want. Then, fine-tune them based on actual customer behaviour. This change improves customer satisfaction significantly, as critical issues are addressed promptly, and less urgent matters still receive adequate attention. For example, consider a B2B software company that sells project management tools to small and medium-sized businesses. This company already has a tiered response system in place, with SLAs for different severity levels: critical issues within two hours, high-priority issues within 12 hours, and low-priority issues within 24 hours.

As they gather data, they notice a pattern. 

  • Critical issues, like system outages, are well-handled with the two-hour response time. 
  • However, they find that 12 hours is too long for high-priority issues, such as users being unable to log in or access purchased features. These problems significantly impact productivity and customer satisfaction if not resolved within the same business day. To address this, the company adjusts the SLA for high-priority issues to four hours, ensuring that these critical user experiences are resolved promptly.
  • On the other hand, low-priority issues, which don’t significantly affect customer satisfaction, are reassessed. The company extends the SLA for these issues to 48 hours.

These changes significantly improve customer satisfaction. High-priority issues are addressed within a more appropriate timeframe, reducing downtime for users, while low-priority matters receive adequate attention without overwhelming the support team. However, very few companies are able to bring this granularity to their SLA design. Why’s it so?

A flexible service CRM is the prerequisite of SLAs that work

For effective SLA design and fine-tuning, you need a robust service CRM. Let’s understand the key qualities of a service CRM that can support the SLA-led planning style in an organization.

  1. First, your service CRM should faithfully replicate your workflows. This means every step your team takes can be mirrored in the system.
  2. Second, it should capture data for every step. That’s how you gain a clearer picture of how your processes are working and where improvements are needed.
  3. Your service CRM should reveal insights from the data. It’s not enough to just collect data. You need to understand it. A good CRM helps you see patterns and trends that can guide your SLA adjustments.
  4. Most importantly, it should let workflows evolve based on customer needs and team performance. As you learn more about what your customers value and how your team operates, you should be able to tweak your processes to better meet those needs. This adaptability in the CRM is crucial for keeping your SLAs relevant and effective.

Now, every service CRM claims to offer these facilities. But only a few get the first three right, and almost none get the fourth right. The problem is in the rigidity of traditional CRM.

Why traditional CRM can’t help and why low-code service CRM can

Traditional CRMs (hard-coded) are rigid, hard to customize, and expensive to maintain. Hard-coded CRMs are so tough to change that organizations can’t find the budget or time for their IT teams to keep them updated.

Low-code CRMs, however, can overcome this problem. How? By making it easy for any user to become a developer, even if they have never coded before.

How is this possible?

Low-code service CRMs are built on these five pillars:

  • A visual editor that lets you stitch together workflows, with code generated automatically in the background.
  • Templates that you can modify from standard use cases.
  • Dashboards that fetch data accurately from any source and perform the right operations to provide needed reports.
  • Secure operations, to eliminate the risk of shadow IT.
  • Reusable innovation, as anything built, becomes a template for others.

This flexibility makes low-code service CRMs a powerful tool for any business.

How Amoga low-code CRM can make SLAs the winning hand for your organization

When we built Amoga, we aimed to create a system that makes achieving goals part of its design rather than relying on random factors. That’s why our service CRM is not only easy to use but also easy to customize based on real needs. We believe that end-users should shape the system. This also means we believe in freeing IT teams to focus on transformative projects instead of constant troubleshooting.

If you think your service team can perform better without working in the dark or dealing with irrelevant SLAs and metrics, you’ll appreciate how we’ve solved similar problems for our clients. Our approach ensures SLAs reflect what’s truly important to customers.

To see how Amoga can transform your service operations, book a call with us today. Let us help you turn SLAs into a winning edge for your organization.


Streamline Your Ticket Triage with Low-Code Solutions

Are these situations part of your service team’s daily life?

  1. Tickets get allocated to people not suitable, trained, or authorized to work on them.
  2. Tickets come to light only when someone asks for an update from the client side.
  3. Tickets pass through more than one layer of the helpdesk before they land in the right queue.

For 90% of service teams, this is so common that nobody is even particularly shocked when it happens. However, realize this: every time you let any of these situations happen, a customer somewhere is left waiting – their requests are not even close to being resolved.

This is why, despite good work and hard effort, customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores for most service teams don’t improve. But why do service teams struggle so much, when they have a CRM in place that promises to make life easy?

When the war cry on everyone’s lips is that of ‘automate, automate, automate’, why does so much work get done based on memory, intuition, and sometimes even guesswork? Let’s find out.

Why Does This Happen?

Traditional CRMs look great till the time you buy them. Then you realize they are rigid and hard to modify once they are set up. Customizing them further is costly, and IT never seems to have the budget or time, because they are busy with urgent issues. This rigidity makes the CRM practically a roadblock for service teams. On one hand, you have a business that is changing every day and customer preferences evolving every day, and on the other hand, you have a system that is living in the past – this gap is the real problem. The worst news is that this gap will keep on widening because of internal as well as external factors. Let’s look at the Internal factors first. 

Your business is not static; it’s dynamic. Your product and offerings evolve. How you deliver them also changes. You improve processes, introduce new workflows, and automate tasks, all of which alter the nature of issues. Additionally, as your product offerings change, so do your team’s skills and roles. This ongoing evolution means your CRM must adapt to new workflows and issues, but traditional systems often fail to keep up. Now, let’s look at the external factors. 

When you first begin with a service CRM and set up ticket triage rules, they are based on a set of initial assumptions about customer issues, product usage, and service expectations. However, these assumptions hardly ever align with reality. The real world is far more nuanced than broad-stroke assumptions can capture. Some issues might be completely unexpected, while others may require more attention than you initially anticipated. Over time, if your CRM does a good job with data analysis, you will find trends. However, traditional service CRMs fail to adapt and force teams to resort to manual intervention, which increases errors.

What happens when your triage system can’t keep up with the dynamic nature of your business and your customers? It’s easy to guess: tickets end up in the wrong hands, leading to delays and frustrated customers. But, Low-Code service CRMs can end this problem and make effective ticket triaging the secret sauce of your service ops. 

How Low-Code Service CRMs Change Ticket Triage

To understand this, let’s first understand what Low-Code is. Think of Low-Code as a software development approach that shifts away from traditional coding to a more visual approach. 

So, when you use a low-codeLow-Code platform, you use visual tools to build your applications, instead of writing code. With low-codeLow-Code, you have visual editors, workflow builders, and templates for common use cases. You can create dashboards that fetch accurate data from any source and generate the needed reports. But how does this help you solve the problem of erratic ticket triaging?

Low-Code solves the problem of inflexible CRMs in several ways:
  1. You can model your ticket routing process exactly as you need. In fact, if you get your hands on a true Low-Code service CRM, you will find that if you can draw a workflow on paper, you can also achieve it in the CRM. Every step, rule, and condition can be accurately represented.
  2. You can capture important data at each stage of ticket routing. This includes ticket details, who is assigned to them, and actions taken. You get built-in analytics and reporting tools to help you visualize ticket volumes, routing paths, and resolution times. This means you will be able to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies the moment they appear. 
  3. You will never get stuck with workflows that don’t reflect the ever-changing realities of your business processes. Low-codeLow-Code platforms make it simple to adjust workflows and let you keep up with changing needs.
  4. You can make the low-codeLow-Code platform work smoothly with your existing systems, such as your knowledge bases, and other support tools. This ensures your ticket routing processes have access to relevant customer data and existing resources.

Now, would you choose any Low-Code service CRM? Or would you rather go with one that businesses like yours are already using every day, enjoying higher CSATs than ever before?

Why Amoga’s Low-Code Service CRM Is the Right Choice

At Amoga, we believe in developing platforms that empower end users. The people closest to the work are the best users of technology, so it should be simple and intuitive for them. They should be able to think like developers even if they are not developers.

This core value guided us when we built Amoga’s low-codeLow-Code service CRM. One of the most popular features our clients enjoy is smart ticket routing, which directly improves their customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores. Because our platform is built with ease of use in mind, developing new features and enhancements takes one-tenth the time and one-fourth the cost of traditional methods. This efficiency means your IT team can focus on larger, game-changing projects rather than routine tasks.

Additionally, everything built on this platform complies with the highest security standards in your industry. This ensures that while your processes become more efficient, they remain secure.

If you feel your team’s ticket triage process can improve, you will love Amoga. Book a conversation with us, and we will understand your business and show you how Amoga can quickly and easily transform the way you handle ticket triage.




Fix Your Broken Sales Processes with a Low-Code CRM

If there’s anyone who knows a thing or two about process design, it’s Jack Welch. He was the former CEO of General Electric. More importantly, he was a pioneer of process design. He famously said, “An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.” We’d like to take it a step further…

Organizations also need to put those actions into processes—and then stick to them. Why? Because when processes reflect meaningful work, and when everyone follows process, it implies that all work is meaningful work. This means that every effort moves the needle toward your goals. Nothing goes to waste. This is crucial for sales teams to enjoy their work and to achieve their goals by design, not by luck. 

In competitive sales, deals are won and lost on the finest of margins. A CRM is the key to making this happen. It’s your process playbook, your memory bank, your guide to consistent, high-performance sales. But here’s a paradox: Almost every organization with a sales force of any size uses a CRM.

Yet 90% of these organizations experience high levels of stress and unhappiness in their sales departments. Turnover is through the roof – from field sales reps to territory managers to back-office staff. How can this be? Let’s understand. 

Why Do Sales Teams Struggle with Following Processes?


The answer is simple: over time, traditional CRMs stop being helpful and become roadblocks for the users meant to benefit from them. They burden sales teams with endless data entry. They make them jump through process hoops that don’t reflect the realities of their work. That’s why many salespersons say they can’t see the connection between the digital workflow in their CRM and their real-world tasks.

Why does this happen?

The real-world sales process is ever-changing, but most CRMs are frozen in time. They’re costly and slow to adapt. So, there never is enough budget and patience to shape a vanilla CRM into a CRM that faithfully reflects the true nature of the work. Naturally, sales teams start to bypass them. As a result, the gap between ‘what they’re supposed to do’ and ‘what they actually do’ widens. This breaks down processes. Eventually, process compliance becomes such a neglected aspect that managers give up on it altogether. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Sales CRMs can be powerful engines for growth… but only if they’re built with flexibility in mind. Enter Low-Code sales CRM – the solution that puts the power back in the hands of sales teams.

How Can Low-Code CRMs Make It Easier to Follow Processes?

Low-Code is a new way of building software where you don’t need to be a tech wizard to create, customize, or modify your CRM. A Low-Code CRM brings together visual interfaces, drag-and-drop tools, and pre-built templates for common sales scenarios. So anyone can easily build and modify their CRM workflows without writing a single line of code. In this way, Low-Code CRMs empower the people who use them every day – your sales team. 

So, how does this solve the process adherence problem? 

Firstly, a Low-Code CRM makes it easy for your sales team to use technology to their advantage. They no longer need to rely solely on memory. They don’t need to scramble through interlinked process playbooks. Instead, they know exactly what they need to do at every stage of the sales process. But Low-Code sales CRMs are not about following a predefined path. In fact, Low-Code lets your sales team build their own features and automation. So, everyone can think about what features they need in the CRM so that their work becomes easier, better, and more enjoyable. And then, they can build the feature themselves. The core benefit here is that this lets sales experts focus on what they do best – building relationships, closing deals, and driving revenue.

A Low-Code CRM is designed to be flexible so that it can evolve as your business does. It becomes a living, breathing tool – a tool that reflects the real workflows of sales processes. Low-Code is a game-changer for sales managers. If you manage a sales team, you can design your CRM to nudge your team in the right direction – not through pressure or repetition, but by creating digital pathways that lead to success. These pathways include checkpoints, progress indicators, and built-in incentives, all of which make it easy for your team to reach their goals.

Over time, a Low-Code CRM reveals the clear link between process adherence and achievement. It captures and monitors all the lead measures that help managers predict and track success. This makes it easier than ever to identify what’s working and what’s not, so you can refine your processes and improve your results.

But you’d be wrong to believe that all Low-Code sales CRM are alike. 

What Makes Amoga’s Low-Code Sales CRM Stand Out?

Our system is based on four key principles.

  1. We believe in giving your sales team the tools they need to work smarter, faster, and with more enjoyment. With Amoga, they can build their own solutions to the challenges they face every day, without waiting for IT or relying on complex coding.
  2. We free up your IT department to focus on big-picture projects that can truly transform your business. Amoga’s Low-Code platform means they can build powerful applications at a fraction of the cost and time of traditional development.
  3. We take security seriously. Every aspect of Amoga is designed with the most stringent protocols in mind. This is to ensure that your data is safe and your operations are protected. Our platform creates an ecosystem of apps that share a unified security blanket.
  4. We don’t just add to your existing processes; we multiply your progress. Amoga comes with pre-built templates for common use cases. The best part is that anyone can create their own reusable templates. This means your team can quickly build and deploy solutions that drive real results.

If process adherence is a top priority for your management philosophy, then Amoga Sales CRM is a perfect fit. Schedule a meeting with us today and discover how Amoga can revolutionize your sales operations.




Boost Your Sales Team’s Productivity with Low-Code CRM

In the world of sales, there’s a valley that separates effort from outcomes. Every company tries its best to build a bridge over this valley. But the problem is that most of these bridges look like planks of wood tied with ropes. Naturally, sales professionals find these bridges hard to navigate, and most of them topple into the valley of frustration. 

Here’s why this happens. Meaningful sales processes are inherently complex. Take, for instance, one of our clients that develops marketing automation software for small businesses.

Their typical sales process involves 12 steps:

  1. Generate leads through digital marketing.
  2. Engage with interested customers.
  3. Explain the unique selling points.
  4. Respond to queries.
  5. Send quotations.
  6. Conduct follow-up meetings upon request.
  7. Update and share revised quotes.
  8. Close agreements.
  9. Send payment links.
  10. Confirm payments.
  11. Deliver the product.
  12. Onboard the customer.

These are 12 steps, with 11 gaps between them, through which most deals fall. New sales professionals on your team will take months to truly learn the process and to truly master all the different processes, departments, and applications that overlap with these steps. As a result, the expected increase in productivity remains elusive. Of course, every organization tries different flavours of sales CRM, but the results are far from impressive. 

Now, let’s explore why traditional Sales CRMs fail to deliver the solutions they promise.

Why Do Traditional Sales CRMs Fail to Solve This Problem?

The promise of traditional CRMs crumbles under the weight of their own rigidity – that’s the biggest flaw. These CRMs are hard to customize and costly to adapt, but why is this so crucial? The sales process is not simple. It involves comprehensive process design, including a SWOT analysis of the company or product, identifying customer fits, precise market positioning, sales steps to follow and much more. These intricate steps cannot be standardized from one company to another, even if they are in the same industry.

Furthermore, as businesses evolve, their sales processes must also adapt. Traditional CRMs fail to keep up with these dynamic needs because of their rigid, monolithic design. They become an iron glove that everyone must wear, yet they fit no one properly. Instead of aiding productivity, they become a maze in which people remain lost. What happens next is that salespeople become eager to bypass these systems. Within a few years, even the best of old-school CRM systems are reduced to mere repositories of vanity data – a far cry from the ‘sales engines’ they promised to be.

However, Low-Code sales CRMs offer a promising solution. They fulfil the promise of CRM as a true sales engine, and they do so by changing the ‘change your process to fit the CRM’ paradigm to ‘shape your CRM to fit your processes’ paradigm. And this shift triggers a snowball effect that eventually makes everyone in your sales team do more with less. 

How Do Low-Code Sales CRMs Provide the Solution?

It might seem like a tall claim, but this is true: Low-Code sales CRMs work by making it nearly impossible for your sales teams to fail. Low-Code means everyone can develop the feature or enhancement they need so that the CRM makes their work faster and more enjoyable. Such a CRM is so flexible that you can envision any sales process as a series of well-defined tasks, and then stitch together those tasks in the CRM, to create a faithful digital replica of the on-ground workflow.

This is a game changer for any sales professional, because:

  1. They don’t have to think of a hazy, distant goal of ‘closure’ and instead know exactly what to focus on ‘today’.
  2. They don’t have to remember complicated workflows and will never miss a follow-up with their leads – whether to request a meeting, to get the agreement signed, or to get the invoice paid.

This is also the essence of how a Low-Code sales CRM becomes the ‘sales engine with super fuel’ that your organization needs already (or will need very soon when you need to ramp up the sales team but won’t have the mind space to mentor everyone). The transformation from being ‘just a CRM’ to being a ‘sales engine’ relies on whether the CRM can bring out two key principles: 

  1. Everyone does the work that matters
  2. Everyone knows how well they are doing that work

First, let’s talk about doing the right thing. 

Traditional sales teams depend heavily on having highly motivated salespeople. Leaders hope that their team’s drive and hunger will overcome the complexities of the sales process. However, this is not a strategy. A much better solution is to use a well-designed CRM system that makes it easy for anyone to create structured pathways that can guide salespeople through each step in a way that digressions become impossible. 

For instance, a salesperson will know that they need to send an edited quotation back to a potential customer within their workday, rather than daze about whether the deal will be closed or not. When salespersons focus on meaningful conversations focused on the micro-moments that are valuable to customers, they naturally reduce risks of deal attrition and reduce their reliance on luck to close deals. 

Such a system shifts focus from lag measures, like the number of closures, to lead measures that drive everyday activities. Lead measures are actionable steps that salespeople can take daily, such as the number of customer visits or follow-up calls. It’s proven that when teams focus on the activities defined by lead measures, the system ensures that the lag measures, like deal closures, will naturally follow.

Secondly, knowing how well everyone in your team is doing, is crucial. This is where scorecards in the CRM come into play. Scorecards provide real-time feedback on performance and nudge salespeople to stay on the right path. For example, consider the sales process we discussed earlier, and consider how thoughtfully designed flowcharts ensure that salespeople stay on course in spite of the protracted process. Here are some example scorecards:

  1. Lead Generation Scorecard: To show salespeople how their lead generation efforts compare to their peers.
  2. Customer Engagement Scorecard: Measures the number of customer visits and follow-up meetings and helps salespeople understand the importance of staying engaged with potential clients.
  3. Quotation and Closure Scorecard: This scorecard highlights the crucial steps leading to closure and for that, it monitors the time taken to get quotations and agreements signed off. 

These scorecards serve as daily motivators. They ensure that salespeople know exactly what tasks they need to focus on. They also provide a clear benchmark of performance relative to their peers. The best part of using such a Low-Code CRM is that even if management sometimes fails to articulate specific goals clearly, these scorecards ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same objectives. The gist is that you need a CRM that doesn’t just track data but actively propels your team forward; one that leaves no room for missteps. 

These thoughts drove us when we designed our Low-Code Sales CRM. Our vision is to create a tool engineered from the ground up for productivity, yet flexible enough to give control to the end users. That’s precisely what Amoga’s Low-Code sales CRM delivers.

What Makes Amoga’s Sales CRM Stand Out?

One of the main goals of Amoga’s Sales CRM is to empower every member of your sales team. Even those with no coding experience can develop CRM features that suit their specific tasks. This reduces reliance on external software development teams. This is crucial because the core development team can then focus on more complex, game-changing functionalities rather than resolving everyday bugs.

With Amoga’s Sales CRM, growing sales teams no longer need to worry about high costs and delays. Developing with Amoga’s Low-Code platform takes one-fourth the cost and one-tenth the time compared to traditional methods. Plus, everything operates within an enterprise-ready, secure environment, eliminating the risks of shadow IT.

Our clients have experienced these benefits firsthand, and we are eager to understand your specific sales challenges. Please don’t hesitate to book a conversation. Let us show you how Amoga’s Sales CRM can transform your sales process.




Can a Low-Code Service CRM really turn your service center into a relationship hub?

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

      – Maya Angelou, American civil rights activist and poet.

In a weirdly accurate way, this quote applies well to customer service in today’s corporations. Unfortunately, when customers reach out to a service centre, they expect a humane, empathetic, and organic response–rightly so. However, they often feel as if they’re just speaking to a machine.

80% of customers say the experience a company provides is just as important as its products and services.” – Salesforce

The ‘Expectations versus Reality’ Valley of Customer Service 

This impersonal experience can happen even though service personnel deeply care about helping customers. This happens because support agents just don’t have the mind space to engage meaningfully. This lack of attention can stem from juggling too many IT applications, having to work under overly complex rules and workflows, and dealing with the inflexibility of traditional service CRMs. But what a customer cares for is how well your organization’s service agents listen to them, respond to them, and serve them. Due to the cold, bureaucratic handling they receive, your customers end up frustrated, angry, and vengeful.

Historically, service CRMs have not lived up to their promise of transforming service centres into relationship centres. They have not allowed customer service personnel to work like humans, solve problems empathetically, and build lasting relationships. Fortunately, Low-Code platforms are now changing this dynamic. In this guide, we’ll explore how.

What is a Low-Code service CRM?

First, let’s understand what is Low-Code. At its core, Low-Code replaces the traditional method of coding applications line-by-line with a visual approach using drag-and-drop components. A Low-Code service CRM allows end users to quickly model and automate any customer service process without extensive coding. This approach removes every limitation that has kept traditional CRM systems from fulfilling their promise of transforming service centres into relationship centres. 

Essentially, this means that with a Low-Code service CRM, you finally have a platform that lets you pivot your operation from simply reacting to tickets towards proactively nurturing relationships across every customer touchpoint. What was impossible before, is now achievable.

How Low-Code Service CRM helps customer service personnel

Low-Code service CRMs fundamentally change how a customer service agent works in two critical ways. 

  1. First, They can focus on the human side of the issue, building rapport and understanding.. 
  2. Second, they have complete confidence that whatever they need to solve that problem perfectly is right at their fingertips. They don’t have to remember procedures, retrieve data from other systems, or ask someone else for help.

So, how does Low-Code service CRM achieve these changes? 

It simplifies the agent’s workspace by removing unnecessary app clutter, which often distracts and delays. It also gives agents the power to customize and enhance their CRM tools without waiting for IT support. The overall result? Low-Code CRM systems provide necessary information at the right time, reduce mental load, and eliminate the anxiety of not knowing everything. This frees up agents to concentrate on what really matters—the customer.

Let’s consider a specific scenario: there’s a service outage. Traditionally, an agent puts the customer on hold while they check details, comes back asking for more information, and eventually fails to answer when the issue can be resolved. However, with a Low-Code CRM, the agent can instantly see all relevant details, such as the cause of the outage, the status of ongoing repairs, and the expected resolution time. Instead of saying, “Let me check,” they can immediately inform the customer, “The circuit is down, but repairs are underway. We expect the power to be back in approximately four and a half hours.”

This level of direct and informed communication solves problems efficiently. More than that, this also builds trust and satisfaction among customers. They no longer feel like just another ticket number; they feel heard and valued. This is how Low-Code service CRMs transform customer service centres into true customer relationship centres.

Transform your service with a Low-Code CRM

Here’s how Low-Code can turn your service centre into a relationship powerhouse:

  • Give your team the tools they need to truly connect with customers. Allow customer service agents to build digital workflows to their needs, build custom apps to automate manual work, and free them up to focus on building relationships.
  • When your customers have an issue, time is of the essence. Low-Code lets you adapt and build solutions in a flash. An application that took a month to deliver earlier, can now be built in 3 days, and at one-fourth the cost. 
  • The problem of shadow IT does not exist with Low-Code service CRM. That’s because service agents no longer feel the need to create workarounds and shortcuts to bypass stifling IT restrictions. 
  • Low-Code offers you the power of reusable components, so when one agent develops something useful, the entire team can benefit from it. This nurtures a healthy culture where every service agent can think like a process improver. 

But a word of caution… All Low-Code CRMs are not the same. Let’s explain how, and also tell you how Amoga can help 

How can a Low-Code service CRM from Amoga help?

As a service manager, you know that exceptional customer service is rare. You’ve probably heard the phrase “going the extra mile” when describing a standout rep. But what if that extra mile could become the first mile?

We believe in a different approach to service—one where building relationships is the norm, not the exception. This transformation starts with Low-Code technology, but not just any Low-Code.

Many vendors use the term ‘Low-Code’ loosely. What they do is offer traditional CRMs with a few customizations. But true Low-Code goes beyond that. It’s not about customizations, but about making it so easy to customize, that anyone can do it, even when they don’t have any knowledge of coding. 

So, a true Low-Code empowers anyone, regardless of technical skill, to build custom applications. This was our vision when we built the Amoga Low-Code service CRM.

Our CRM is yours to mold and shape, without the headache of complex coding or hefty costs. When a customer contacts your service centre, they leave the conversation feeling like a friend, not just another ticket. That’s the promise of Amoga’s Low-Code service CRM. 


Ready to Transform Your Service Center?

See how a Low-Code CRM from Amoga can empower your team and build lasting customer relationships.




How to Optimize Service Costs With Low-Code Service CRM

As a customer service manager, you want two things:

  1. Lower costs of service
  2. High customer satisfaction scores

But if you’re like most managers, you secretly fear that these two wishes are contradictory. Traditionally, service managers feel they need more people and higher budgets to deliver better service.  

In fact, ‘gamification’ continues to be the buzzword in the customer service world. Not only managers but also tech companies push the idea of ‘contests and rewards’ to motivate service personnel to do better. This approach in itself is a high-cost one; it pegs its hopes on spikes of motivation, driven by financial reward. 

In reality, this is expensive, and worse still, rarely moves the needle.

If you’ve had similar frustrations, you’d have no patience for one-time fixes. To ‘solve’ this, you need a service CRM.  

Of course, this can’t be the first time you’ve heard of the idea. It’s not even a new idea; service CRMs have been in the marketplace for decades now. So let’s be honest; this tech has been around for years, but still, the dichotomy of happy customers versus low costs of service exists. 

Why does traditional service CRM fail to deliver their promises? 

It’s this: there is a massive gulf between what a standard or even customised CRM offers, and what the customer service team needs. Customers are used to getting better service every day: proactive updates, multiple ways to contact service teams, and personalised touches. Those expectations keep rising. Brands that can deliver exceptional service at lower costs win, while others get left behind. But traditional CRMs aren’t built for this constant evolution; they’re too rigid to adapt quickly enough.  

Even a heavily customised CRM soon becomes rigid because the cost of making it evolve with the needs of the team is untenable. Soon, there’s a growing gap, and people start hating their jobs because they’re spending all day struggling with vendors, sheets, and legacy systems. You don’t get time to improve things and end up running a web of processes and applications, not a business.

All that changes now, because of Low-Code service CRMs. Think of a Low-Code CRM as a system that you can shape like clay so that it mimics your business, your service goals, and your service team’s needs. 

Let’s explore how a Low-Code service CRM can help.

What is a Low-Code service CRM and how is it different?

A Low-Code service CRM is a customer relationship management system that lets your service team create and tailor applications on their own, without needing extensive programming knowledge. Instead of relying on IT or the CRM vendor to code every new feature or customisation, your team can build what they need on their own or with little support.

Your Low-Code service CRM lets you quickly tailor forms, workflows, or reports with a simple click, not a complex code. This is important because this lets your team respond to customer needs or business shifts almost instantly, without the usual delays and frustrations. 

Best of all, this agility doesn’t require a tech expert. The intuitive interface and drag-and-drop tools make it easy for anyone to become a CRM builder. You take control, reduce costs, and gain the flexibility you need to deliver exceptional service.

Essentially, with a Low-Code service CRM, you are moving away from the ‘code it line by line’ paradigm to the ‘design it on the screen’ paradigm. A user only has to stitch together the logic of the tool they need, and the Low-Code power of the CRM means it will generate the code automatically. 

This is exactly what service teams need–a CRM that gives them the freedom to think ‘How do I make my work easier, quicker, more enjoyable’ rather than ‘How can I steer around this cluttered system of work, skip some steps, and save some time’.

A Low-Code service CRM makes this possible because it offers 4 massive improvements over how anyone can use the system to create a new feature or application. 

  • Drag-and-drop interface: Easily move elements and arrange them to design your application.
  • Visual workflow builder: Create automated processes and workflows without writing code.
  • Pre-built templates and components: Start with pre-designed templates and modify them to fit your needs.
  • Data integration: Connect your CRM with other systems to streamline your processes.

But above all, here’s the biggest advantage of Low-Code: it’s about making technology work for your business, not the other way around. It lets you speak in the language of your work, and not the language of tech.  

The power of a Low-Code service CRM

When this new approach of ‘help yourself to the tech you need’ meets service CRM, something amazing happens.

  • Flexibility: You can customise forms, workflows, and reports to match your unique processes – no more waiting for IT to get around to it.
  • Speed: You can build apps so much faster than traditional development. That means you can react quickly to new business challenges or customer demands.
  • Ease of use: The visual interfaces are designed for anyone to understand, so even non-technical folks can make changes or add features.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Because you don’t need a team of specialised developers, you save a ton of money on building and maintaining custom software.

It’s a game-changer for customer service teams who want to stay nimble and responsive. But can it help you reduce costs without compromising on customer experience?

How can a Low-Code service CRM end the cost versus quality tug-of-war?

When your service team uses a Low-Code CRM, three key actions become second nature, which lets service managers reduce costs without taking away service quality. These are:


  1. Automate

Low-Code CRM lets you effortlessly automate repetitive tasks. For instance, if you’re an online retailer, your CRM can automatically tag incoming customer queries based on keywords like “shipping” or “return.” It can then route those queries to the right team member. Imagine how much manual work it will eliminate, how much time it will save, and how much better the first-response times will be, with this in place. 

     2. Integrate

The one thing that drains energy is the headache of juggling multiple systems. A Low-Code CRM seamlessly connects with your existing tools. An electronics retailer, for example, can integrate their CRM with inventory management. Now, when a customer asks for a refund because they received a faulty product, the customer service agent can stop worrying about juggling through refund policy documents, because all that info is linked from the product database into the CRM. So, questions that took 5 minutes to answer, now take half a minute to answer. More than the time saving, this takes away the cognitive pressure from the service rep, and lets them focus on making the customer feel good, rather than merely feel ‘responded to’.  

     3. Analyze

Cluttered IT means cluttered thinking. With Low-Code CRM, this problem goes away. The result is that everyone has the mental freedom to ask the right questions because they know the answers won’t take forever. For instance, as a service manager, think of what you can do when you gain a crystal-clear understanding of your customer service team’s performance. With nearly no extra effort, you can create dashboards that display real-time data on call volume, average handling time, and customer satisfaction. So when you want to find out which type of customer calls take up most time, you have the answer ready in minutes, not weeks.  

Together, these three things mean you can take your eyes off the road and focus on the destination. You know the problems you need to eliminate. You know who deserves a promotion, who needs training, and who might not be the right fit. You can make strategic decisions that improve your service and lower your costs.

If you feel this is something you can benefit from, you’ll love what we do at Amoga

The Amoga Low-Code Service CRM Advantage

At Amoga, we believe Low-Code technology is the bridge between the promise of digital transformation and actually making it real. It’s about weaving technology into your everyday work, so everyone can enjoy their jobs and use their brainpower to solve problems that matter.

This philosophy is at the heart of our Amoga service CRM. We believe your organisation owes it to your service team to make their work easier and more enjoyable. If this resonates with you, we invite you to see how Amoga can transform the way your service team operates. Request a demo and experience the difference firsthand.