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Improve Customer Experience with Amoga Service CRM

Supercharge your team to deliver differentiated Customer Experience.

Omnichannel Engagement

 Custom   Workflow

Field Service



Queue Management

Customer 360

Team Feed


SLA and Escalations

In case of SLA violations, overdue tickets escalate to the relevant personnel, ensuring prompt attention. Customize rules for efficient ticket management. Supervisors gain insight with custom views of SLA-violated tickets, enabling direct or delegated resolution.

Ticket Merging & Splitting

Streamline issue resolution with enhanced ticket management. Ticket Merging allows the consolidation of related inquiries or cases, enabling a unified response strategy. Ticket Splitting facilitates detailed attention and specialised handling by dividing complex tickets into simpler, manageable ones. This action initiates the creation of a new ticket through a user-friendly form handling. This streamlines sales focus on high-potential leads, enhancing efficiency in conversion efforts for the sales team.

Ticket Routing Rules

Optimize query assignments for faster, more accurate resolutions. Implement dynamic routing to ensure customer issues are immediately directed to the appropriate agents or departments, leveraging both existing user assignment protocols and the ability to craft new rules via a Low Code interface.

Queue Management

Prioritize and personalize customer engagement. Customize how client inquiries are ordered and addressed by assigning urgency levels, ensuring key information — from contact details to purchase history — is integrated for comprehensive support.

Custom Workflow

Customize and automate your support operations. Deploy bespoke workflows to automate repetitive tasks and sequence activities, enhancing efficiency and consistency in your response strategy. This feature supports the creation of tailored automation solutions to fit unique operational needs.

The Work OS that lets you shape workflows, your way

Boost your team’s alignment, efficiency, and productivity by
customizing any workflow to fit your needs.

Omnichannel Ticketing

Engage with leads across email, phone, social media, WhatsApp and live chat. Leverage integrated tools for outbound calls, messaging, and social media management.

Field Service

Empower sales reps with mobile apps for lead info, data updates, and task management anytime, anywhere. Track & Monitor, Manage team attendance, location, and activities. Create efficient schedules with prioritized tasks and optimized routes. Accurately calculate wages based on tracked attendance and distance. Assign leads based on proximity for faster response and better customer service


Craft custom processes for high-value deals. Gain real-time insights, boost upselling & cross-selling. Track progress with Deal View, Pipelines, Stages & Quotes

Analytics & Reports

Set goals, forecast accurately, manage performance & track progress with pipelines. Motivate your team through incentives & gamification. Empower your sales force with data-driven insights to achieve ambitious goals, close more deals, and ultimately maximize revenue.

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End to end products to run the core of your business

Tailor-made solutions precisely engineered for each aspect of your team's needs.

Sales CRM


For professionals and teams to streamline sales processes & optimize sales performance

Manage tasks, projects, and processes to fuel collaboration and efficiency at scale.

Top use cases

Customer ERP


For professionals and teams enhance organizational efficiency with Amoga Custom ERP

No-compromise end-to-end automation to boost your productivity.

Top use cases

Process Automation

Optimize productivity

For professionals and teams to optimize workflows and improve productivity

Cutting edge workflow automation with seamless

Top use cases

See how we redefine the standards of application development and task management,
making them intuitive and streamlined like never before.

Explore Amoga's low-code platform